Pop-superstar Ricky Martin advocates “Call and Live” campaign against human trafficking
Pop-star Ricky Martin, IDB President Luis Alberto Moreno and Ayuda Executive Director Mauricio Vivero today campaigned for “Call and Live,” a program designed to abolish human trafficking in Latin America. “Call and Live” is used to help stop the increase of the more than 20,000 individuals trafficked into the United States every year, as mentioned by the U.S. State Department.
“Call and Live” is a hotline that is used to report human trafficking violations, and has already received over 55,000 phone calls to report wrongdoings. The IDB initiative against human trafficking is meant to be used by Latin nations in order to help their efforts to “prevent, protect, and prosecute.”
“Call and Live” is a hotline that is used to report human trafficking violations, and has already received over 55,000 phone calls to report wrongdoings. The IDB initiative against human trafficking is meant to be used by Latin nations in order to help their efforts to “prevent, protect, and prosecute.”
call to live,
human trafficking,
ricky martin in

Reader Comments (1)
RICKY U/R /D GUY (MAN sound too old
of which U/R not) living in Laredo ,Tx.
all U hear human or drug trafficking
beening it is the largest in land port
beteen US & MEXCIO. My heart &
soul go out to them. Now with the fence
the US is putting up which will the border.
Back to the point at hand to them it is
little better to next to nothing . So BIG
THANK on their part because YOU the
all who can't help themselfs.God is seeing
down on U and saying THANK YOU RICKY
who help a brother or sister is like he is
doing it to me. As it is said talk to the HEAD
not the feet. LOL RICKY