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"Just Vote!"

Democratic Conference Vice Chairman Charles Schumer (D-NY) held a press conference today discussing the “GOP obstructions of bills that would ensure fair pay and enhance veterans benefit.” Claire C. McCaskill (D-MO) took also part in the conference.

The senators urged their republican co-leagues to end the delays of the fair pay vote and construct a voting ceremony to resolve the long-awaiting problem. Senator Schumer pointed out that the problem seems not important amongst the Republican senators, especially when, during very busy campaigns, Senator Obama and Senator Clinton are going to be present for the vote, whereas Senator McCain, who has no busy schedule, will be absent. “Delay and obstruction has become their middle name” said the vice chairman, outraged by the latest Republican filibusters.
The reason why the Republicans have been delaying the vote is because, according to Senator Schumer, “They do not know what direction to take, they have no answers, they need to obstruct when people want change, and they do not want to do this.”

Senator McCaskill started off by giving remarks of the way things are being handled and stated that she was confused as to why the floor cannot debate the veteran’s bill, she said “what difference does it make?” She just urged her coworkers to “just vote.”

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