Hoyer on his anger toward gas prices and his goals as a super delegate
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) held a pen and pad news briefing today, and discussed gas prices, a second stimulus package, news out of Iraq, and the role of super delegates.
Hoyer said gas prices are angering him, and that yesterday’s record high of $3.51 impacts food prices and adversely impacts consumers. He said the good news is that recovery rebate checks are to go out next month from the stimulus package to stimulate the economy. He said that though Congress and the administration are trying to do what can be done for the increasing prices, there is no “short term fix” and that prices rose because of spiked demand from China and India. He said Ben Bernake, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, says statistically it looks like our country is entering a recession, though the administration does not agree.
Hoyer said Congress is working with the administration on a second stimulus package, which will focus on the needs of families and working Americans and will address the issues of unemployment insurance, food stamps, and infrastructure. He said the timing of the stimulus package will depend on cooperation between the House and the Senate.
Hoyer also said the news out of Iraq is not as positive as anyone would like, that there is continued civil strife and that we need a change of direction, even if the administration doesn’t think it is called for. He said that the Constitution says Congress is in charge of making policy, and the administration is in denial over that. He said that a supplemental bill is necessary, and will be on the floor next week or the following week. They are still trying to decide what should be in it, but it will include support of soldiers in the field and address issues here at home.
Finally, Hoyer discussed the role of super delegates, or as he refers to them, ex-officio leaders. He said that Democrats have two very good candidates for president in Sen. Hillary Clinton and Sen. Barack Obama, and that both can defeat Sen. John McCain. He said Americans want change and a different policy direction for the country. His goal is for the Democratic party to win in November, and he will declare to vote for whoever he thinks will best accomplish this objective. He said ex-officio leaders have experience and knowledge of the candidates and what constituents want, and that they were created to bring in new people, ideas, and perspectives to the decision making process, but that no one thought this election would be so close. He is against the suggestion of a “super-convention” of ex-officio leaders to talk before the national convention, but instead he is always talking informally with other leaders and his constituents. He said politics is so heightened that the media focuses on the differences between the candidates rather than their similarities and the fact that they agree on the same policy direction for the country. He said the policies pursued in the last eight years have been detrimental, and that the rest of the country agrees, as shown by the president’s approval rating.
Hoyer said gas prices are angering him, and that yesterday’s record high of $3.51 impacts food prices and adversely impacts consumers. He said the good news is that recovery rebate checks are to go out next month from the stimulus package to stimulate the economy. He said that though Congress and the administration are trying to do what can be done for the increasing prices, there is no “short term fix” and that prices rose because of spiked demand from China and India. He said Ben Bernake, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, says statistically it looks like our country is entering a recession, though the administration does not agree.
Hoyer said Congress is working with the administration on a second stimulus package, which will focus on the needs of families and working Americans and will address the issues of unemployment insurance, food stamps, and infrastructure. He said the timing of the stimulus package will depend on cooperation between the House and the Senate.
Hoyer also said the news out of Iraq is not as positive as anyone would like, that there is continued civil strife and that we need a change of direction, even if the administration doesn’t think it is called for. He said that the Constitution says Congress is in charge of making policy, and the administration is in denial over that. He said that a supplemental bill is necessary, and will be on the floor next week or the following week. They are still trying to decide what should be in it, but it will include support of soldiers in the field and address issues here at home.
Finally, Hoyer discussed the role of super delegates, or as he refers to them, ex-officio leaders. He said that Democrats have two very good candidates for president in Sen. Hillary Clinton and Sen. Barack Obama, and that both can defeat Sen. John McCain. He said Americans want change and a different policy direction for the country. His goal is for the Democratic party to win in November, and he will declare to vote for whoever he thinks will best accomplish this objective. He said ex-officio leaders have experience and knowledge of the candidates and what constituents want, and that they were created to bring in new people, ideas, and perspectives to the decision making process, but that no one thought this election would be so close. He is against the suggestion of a “super-convention” of ex-officio leaders to talk before the national convention, but instead he is always talking informally with other leaders and his constituents. He said politics is so heightened that the media focuses on the differences between the candidates rather than their similarities and the fact that they agree on the same policy direction for the country. He said the policies pursued in the last eight years have been detrimental, and that the rest of the country agrees, as shown by the president’s approval rating.
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