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Congressional Democrats Rally With ACORN and Victims of Foreclosure

Congressional Democrats and the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) participated in a rally to promote passage of the Foreclosure Prevention Act. Senators Debbie Stabenow (MI) and Sherrod Brown (OH) and Representatives Brad Miller (NC-13) and Keith Ellison (MN-5) addressed the crowd of ACORN members and victims of predatory lending and foreclosure. Citizens shared their personal stories of being taken advantage of by loan companies, some even after reading “the fine print.” Brown said the foreclosure crisis and the presidential race are about the same issues and said he would rather spend the $3 billion spent weekly in Iraq on domestic programs to alleviate the current economic stress. Ellison claimed there is enough housing for all races and classes. The rally-goers continued their march to chants of "save our homes" and "the people united will never be defeated."

Reader Comments (1)

Excellent article. The rising number of foreclosures really is of concern I feel.

Banks need to do more to help home owners, and I believe home owners should seek to find out as much information as possible so as to protect themself against this.



May 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTim Jeff's

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