Today at Talk Radio News
The Washington Bureau will be covering the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee hearing on recent turmoil in the U.S. credit market, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing on "The Role of Federal Regulators," and the Heritage Foundation discussion on "Iraq: The Perspective After Five Years."
The Washington Bureau will also be covering the Judicial Watch discussion on "The Truth Behind the Financial Crisis," a discussion on "The Current State of México's Politics" with Sergio Aguayo Quesada, and a discussion on "The New American Electorate: The Growing Political Power of Immigrants and their Children."
The Washington Bureau will also be covering the Judicial Watch discussion on "The Truth Behind the Financial Crisis," a discussion on "The Current State of México's Politics" with Sergio Aguayo Quesada, and a discussion on "The New American Electorate: The Growing Political Power of Immigrants and their Children."
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