Religious Americans talk politics
"A majority of Americans believe the United States is blessed by God," said Anna Greenberg of Greenberg Quinlan Rosner in response to their new survey about Religion and America's Role in the world. Greenberg was joined by Kim Lawton of Religion and Ethics NewsWeekly and Timothy Shah of the Council on Foreign Relations to discuss the survey's findings. Based on the interviews of 1,400 adults including 400 young evangelical Christians (ages 18 to 29) the survey found that there is a relative consensus about the role of the United States in the world, but Americans express a strong ambivalence about whether or not America's influence in the world is positive. America's foreign policy has become a major concern for evangelicals, who have also taken a more interventionist standpoint than evangelicals have in the past. Ideologically charged issues, specifically women's rights and environmental policy, are static as far as generational differences extend. Overall, the survey concluded that most evangelicals, regardless of specific issues, are supporting John McCain in this election.
survey in
Election '08

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