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The Democratic Party does not tolerate voter fraud

The Democratic National Committee held a conference that discussed the Republican hypocrisy of voter registration. In light of the arrest of Mark Jacoby, whose company Young Political Majors, has been accused of tricking residents of California into registering Republican, Jacoby has ties with the California Republican party and the Republican National Committee.

California Democratic Party chairman, Art Torres, said that the Democratic party does not tolerate voter fraud. Torres went on to say that “The RNC needs to immediately eliminate their ties with the committees that have been accused of voter fraud, and unfortunately, instead of doing so they have accused the Democrats of starting it.”

DNC General Counsel, Joe Sandler, brought up the issue that the RNC yells voter fraud against the Democrats, but when a Republican official is asked to list incidents of voter fraud, they are unable to do so. Sandler also criticized Republicans saying “The RNC needs to stop accusing the Democrats of voter fraud when most, if not all of the cases are on their side.”

With 14 days left until voting day, Sandler believes that this is not the last time the public will hear about voter fraud. “This is all the RNC has left, to yell voter fraud and blame it on the Democrats,” Sandler said at the end of the conference.

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