Giuliani thinks Biden comments reveal danger of an Obama presidency
According to Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.)" continues to harbor serious doubts about Obama" in a conference call today. Biden said that Obama would be tested early on in his
presidency so foreign leaders can "test his mettle."
Giuliani added that while Biden believes Sen. Obama (D-Ill.) will be tested, "John McCain has passed every test in his life." He added that voters should choose McCain because he "doesn't pose the same
risk" that Obama does. Giuliani warned that with that statement, Biden was predicting a "very serious incident."
McCain-Palin Foreign Policy Advisor Randy Scheunemann said Obama has demonstrated "stubbornness and inflexibility" in not admitting his past mistakes. He used the example of Obama's willingness to meet unconditionally with other dictators as well as his unwillingness to admit the success of the surge in Iraq.
He said that Biden's comments were an example of "inadvertently speaking the truth." He added this statement by Biden was "very revealing."
Giuliani added that if this statement were made by a Republican, it would be "on the front page" of the New York Times.
presidency so foreign leaders can "test his mettle."
Giuliani added that while Biden believes Sen. Obama (D-Ill.) will be tested, "John McCain has passed every test in his life." He added that voters should choose McCain because he "doesn't pose the same
risk" that Obama does. Giuliani warned that with that statement, Biden was predicting a "very serious incident."
McCain-Palin Foreign Policy Advisor Randy Scheunemann said Obama has demonstrated "stubbornness and inflexibility" in not admitting his past mistakes. He used the example of Obama's willingness to meet unconditionally with other dictators as well as his unwillingness to admit the success of the surge in Iraq.
He said that Biden's comments were an example of "inadvertently speaking the truth." He added this statement by Biden was "very revealing."
Giuliani added that if this statement were made by a Republican, it would be "on the front page" of the New York Times.
obama in
Election '08

Reader Comments (10)
I don't understand the McCain campaign. Why should he go back on his mistake of meeting unconditionally with other dictators, if it's not a mistake? And he did admit his mistake in the success of the surge, which is a reason that I admire Barack Obama. Does the McCain campaign not read the news?
They refuse to admit that they have no real answers for the American economy, and simply go negative on Obama. They refuse to admit that Sarah Palin isn't qualified to run this country, and that is one test that John McCain did fail (picking a running mate).
The McCain camp is really grasping at straws now. Is that the best they've got?
Rudy is right.....why do i want a man with no policitcal experience other than voting present more than anything in the Illinois legislature to run this country. As a senator he has done nothing for the state of Illinois. He is only selfserving and a puppet for the democratic machine.
McCain is close enough to win using these tactics, hopefully people aren't stupid enough to fall for it. Oh wait, GWB got re-elected, McFear will win via the supreme court.
If Sarah Palin isn't qualifies Obama certainly isn't. Editor of the Law review.. Doesn't Author anything. [does that unsigned abortion paper count?] Law Professor. Doesn't Author anything. State legislature? Tasked with renewing a tax credit after being one of dozens of co-sponsors. What a legacy. In Congress.. Lets see the Lugar-Obama bill. A cross-isle training wheel bill with the work and vision come from Lugar. A staunch McCain supporter. The Obama way: Do nothing, say nothing, sign nothing unless you can run with the herd. Time for a change indeed.
To "test his mettle" is a fairly standard practice. Who would not be aware of this?
Senator Obama said long ago--publicly in the first debate, or, like Palin, wasn't anyone listening-- that the surge was a success beyond what anyone could have predicted. (Which, incidentally, is the reason why Powell recently commented that if it had been employed from the outset, we might not be there today.)
I'm an avid reader, and everything that I have read--without exception--suggests that McCain has virtually failed every test life has put before him. Need I remind Giuliani of McCain's academic performance; his reckless, irresponsible flight history; his dishonesty regarding the causes of those expensive crashes; his moral failing (which even he recently admitted) in his first marriage; the mishap that landed him in captivity (though, certainly, no one deserves that) was, once again, the result of his "maverick, damn the rules" attitude. Now, it's one thing to needlessly risk one's own life or well being, but to knowingly risk an entire country's for ambition. This is Country Last, dead last, and only a moron would be deceived by John's proclamation of "Country First." Palin is an unethical, vulgar, semi-literate, dimwitted pathological liar. Who among us hasn't gleaned that? Giuliani?
John, English please.
Nobody should care what Rudy has to say. He was a front runner going into the primaries and ran a campaign worse that McCain, if that is even possible.
Personally, I think a McCain presidency is extremely risky. His judgment has been very poor lately (picking Palin, suspending his campaign to "help" solve the financial crisis, unfairly attacking Obama, not focusing on the economy, etc.) Also, his health really concerns me, and a Palin presidency is a very scary thought.
Obama will bring the change that we need. Meeting with other foreign leaders (even dictators) is not a mistake. Not meeting with them will cause even further foreign policy problems. I still can't believe that people support McCain at this point.
McCain's reaction to this issue (and the Bill Ayers flap) reminds me of a small yappy dog that finds a mouse in the house, barks hysterically, runs around the house knocking over furniture, and finally brings you the mouse, and looks at you as is to say: "See what I saved you from?"
Joe Biden says the election of Obama may lead to a new conflict, terrorist attack, or a third war. A careful analysis of history says he may be correct.
The best the GOP has got? The Democratic VP candidate, the current chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee and the sixth-longest running Senator alive in the US guaranteed come April 2009, we will be facing an international crisis. I don't mind who gets voted in at this point because change is on the way no matter what. Too much in the country is out of balance not to start some kind of correction.
But this man, Senator Biden, should explain to the American public what knowledge he has that would provoke him to make such an outrageous statement. I don't just think Mr. Giuliani is right, I know he is. No one knows better than RWG about having his mettle tested and if Biden is going to make this claim, Biden really should elaborate.
If you want to learn more about William Ayers and the Weather Underground, btw, there is a great documentary I would recommend.