Today at Talk Radio News
Bureau Chief Ellen Ratner and Legal Affairs Correspondent Jay Tamboli will be covering the presidential debate at Hofstra University.
The Washington Bureau will be covering the Century Foundation discussion on "Improving on No Child Left Behind: Recommendations for a New resident and Congress," the Joint Commission International conference on a new program to improve healthcare quality and patient safety around the world, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation discussion on "High and Rising Costs: Demystifying U.S. Health Care Spending," and the Family Foundation briefing on "Virginia: A Leading Campaign Battleground for Values Voters."
The Washington Bureau will also be covering a press briefing by Chairman of the NAACP, Julian Bond, and President of People for the American Way, Kathryn Kolbert, on the recent Republican attacks on ACORN, the National Council of La Raza conference on immigration and the Latino vote, and the U.S. Election Assistance Commission of key issues facing election officials and media in reporting election results.
The Washington Bureau will be covering the Century Foundation discussion on "Improving on No Child Left Behind: Recommendations for a New resident and Congress," the Joint Commission International conference on a new program to improve healthcare quality and patient safety around the world, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation discussion on "High and Rising Costs: Demystifying U.S. Health Care Spending," and the Family Foundation briefing on "Virginia: A Leading Campaign Battleground for Values Voters."
The Washington Bureau will also be covering a press briefing by Chairman of the NAACP, Julian Bond, and President of People for the American Way, Kathryn Kolbert, on the recent Republican attacks on ACORN, the National Council of La Raza conference on immigration and the Latino vote, and the U.S. Election Assistance Commission of key issues facing election officials and media in reporting election results.
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