Today at Talk Radio News
White House correspondent Lovisa Frost will be covering the White House briefing.
Legal Affairs Correspondent Jay Tamboli will be covering the Supreme Court.
Pentagon Correspondent S. Dawn Casey will be reporting from the Pentagon.
The Washington Bureau will be covering "Accusations of Fraudulent Voter Registration in Presidential Campaign," "How Mobile Technologies are Changing the Political Landscape" and an ACORN press conference on voter registration at the National Press Club. The Washington Bureau will also be covering "The Most Important Things Our Young People Won't Learn this School Year Thanks to Abstinence-Only Until Marriage Programs" at the National Education Association and "What the Presidential Candidates Aren't Talking About" at The Brookings Institute.
Legal Affairs Correspondent Jay Tamboli will be covering the Supreme Court.
Pentagon Correspondent S. Dawn Casey will be reporting from the Pentagon.
The Washington Bureau will be covering "Accusations of Fraudulent Voter Registration in Presidential Campaign," "How Mobile Technologies are Changing the Political Landscape" and an ACORN press conference on voter registration at the National Press Club. The Washington Bureau will also be covering "The Most Important Things Our Young People Won't Learn this School Year Thanks to Abstinence-Only Until Marriage Programs" at the National Education Association and "What the Presidential Candidates Aren't Talking About" at The Brookings Institute.
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