White House Gaggle
By Victoria Jones
White House Gaggle
3 April 2007
By Victoria Jones
The President had his usual briefings. At 9.35 he will meet with the Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates. At 10.10 he will make a statement in the Rose Garden on his report from Secretary Gates on progress in Iraq with the Baghdad security plan. The theme is the need for Congress to take action on the war supplemental bill. It is nearly two months since the President made the request with the budget.
White House Deputy Press Secretary Tony Fratto was asked if the President will call on Congress to return from its recess. He said that he would not. Congress knows its responsibility and that the funding is urgent. The Defense Department has already begun moving money around. Fratto was asked if the statement in the Rose Garden is a response to Senator Reid's statement yesterday. He said that it was not.
Fratto was asked what happens without the money. He said that General Pace has addressed that. There will be an impact on equipment and training, on the quality of life for the troops, in particular guard and reserve troops. Eventually it will have an impact on rotations. Those kinds of delays also affect the quality of life of the families of the troops at home, Fratto said.
Fratto was asked how long the funding would be in place. He replied that by shifting money around, other needs were not being addressed. After April 15th, the problems become more acute, and directly impact equipment, repairs and parts, length of stay and training for the troops who will be in the field.
It was pointed out that the supplemental last year was not signed until June, and Fratto was asked what was the difference. He said it is a different year. It is a different request for specific needs. It is the most detailed supplemental request that went to the Hill. There is a reason that these are funded on an emergency funding basis. One of them is that it is difficult to predict what the next eighteen months will require.
Russian Press/Possible US Iran Strike/Good Friday
It was stated that the Russian press is full of speculation about a possible US strike on Iran on Good Friday. Fratto was asked if it was all false. He said "It's all false".
White House Gaggle
3 April 2007
By Victoria Jones
The President had his usual briefings. At 9.35 he will meet with the Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates. At 10.10 he will make a statement in the Rose Garden on his report from Secretary Gates on progress in Iraq with the Baghdad security plan. The theme is the need for Congress to take action on the war supplemental bill. It is nearly two months since the President made the request with the budget.
White House Deputy Press Secretary Tony Fratto was asked if the President will call on Congress to return from its recess. He said that he would not. Congress knows its responsibility and that the funding is urgent. The Defense Department has already begun moving money around. Fratto was asked if the statement in the Rose Garden is a response to Senator Reid's statement yesterday. He said that it was not.
Fratto was asked what happens without the money. He said that General Pace has addressed that. There will be an impact on equipment and training, on the quality of life for the troops, in particular guard and reserve troops. Eventually it will have an impact on rotations. Those kinds of delays also affect the quality of life of the families of the troops at home, Fratto said.
Fratto was asked how long the funding would be in place. He replied that by shifting money around, other needs were not being addressed. After April 15th, the problems become more acute, and directly impact equipment, repairs and parts, length of stay and training for the troops who will be in the field.
It was pointed out that the supplemental last year was not signed until June, and Fratto was asked what was the difference. He said it is a different year. It is a different request for specific needs. It is the most detailed supplemental request that went to the Hill. There is a reason that these are funded on an emergency funding basis. One of them is that it is difficult to predict what the next eighteen months will require.
Russian Press/Possible US Iran Strike/Good Friday
It was stated that the Russian press is full of speculation about a possible US strike on Iran on Good Friday. Fratto was asked if it was all false. He said "It's all false".
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