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White House Gaggle

By Dheeraj Chand
The President's Schedule

The President has his usual morning briefings and meetings.
At 10.40 a.m., President Bush will be interviewed by Jim Lehrer of News Hour with Jim Lehrer for thirty minutes. At 1.15 p.m., the President will welcome new United Nations General Secretary Ban-Ki Moon. They will discuss a wide range of topics, including U.N. reform, the situation in Iraq, the impending situations with Iran, the Roadmap to Peace, Somalia and Darfur. At 2.45 p.m., the President will be meeting with the World Series Champions, the St. Louis Cardinals.

The "Scooter" Libby Trial

When asked what the White House's mood was on the trial of Scooter Libby, which begins today, and whether or not a pardon was in the works, White House Press Secretary Tony Snow replied that he was categorically not going to discuss this case. He also said that he knew nothing about a pardon.

Public Opinion on Iraq

When asked about the President's valuation of public opinion vis-à-vis the war in Iraq, Snow replied that the president continues to stress the importance of explaining to the American people the importance of winning in Iraq. Continuing, he said that our long-term strategic goals have not changed, and that the President is committed to seeing a democracy in Iraq who will be an ally in the global war on terror. When further pushed on whether or not the President ever thinks about how many human lives will be lost in accomplishing that goal, Press Secretary Snow snapped back that President Bush takes his duties as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces quite seriously, and contemplates the loss of human life in a way that neither Mr. Snow nor anyone else would be able to.


Asked about the Saudi announcement that they are considering sending troops to the Anbar province of Iraq, Press Secretary Snow remarked that we are seeing tremendous progress in Anbar, as indicated by the fact that several tribal chiefs have decided to reject al-Qaeda.
Snow responded to questions about the United Nations' estimate on the civilian death toll, 34,500, by saying that he had no idea what the methodology was that was used to calculate it, but that his immediate response was that it sounded high. He also said that he has no reason to imagine that the Iraqi government is misreporting its figures.


Press Secretary Snow said that he had no knowledge of any U.S. drone spy plane being shot down by Iraq over the weekend.

Global Warming and Climate Change

Responding to questions about Sebastian Mallaby's weekend story on the White House reversing its position on climate change and possible new policies, Press Secretary Snow said that any discussion of a "carbon caps" policy is an inaccurate rumor. He also stated that the White House remains committed to two goals: the reduction of greenhouse emissions and the achievement of that goal by means that are consistent with economic growth and that don't threaten the livelihoods of the American worker. The White House's position remains that human activity is a component, but neither the sole nor the primary component, in the processes causing climate change.

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