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White House Gaggle

By Victoria Jones
White House Gaggle
August 23, 2006
By Victoria Jones

President's Schedule
The President had his usual briefings. He is meeting with the Secretary of State. He will then meet with an individual in the Oval Office, Rockey Vaccarella. At 10.35 the President will have interviews with television affiliates from New Orleans and Biloxi. He will leave the White House at 4.30 and attend the Friends of Senator George Allen Reception. He will return at 6.30.

The President called Pakistani President Musharraf today. They reviewed progress in the bilateral relationship. They also discussed regional security and cooperation.

The President will sign a Proclamation for a National Day of Remembrance for the Hurricane Katrina Anniversary, to be observed on 29 August. The proclamation will honor those who did not survive the fury of the most destructive hurricane in US history and the heroes who rescued so many, and moved the nation following the hurricane. It will also underscore the federal government's ongoing dedication to better disaster response and renew its commitment to rebuilding neighborhoods that are more hopeful and vibrant.

On Monday the President will have lunch with community leaders in Mississippi, participate in a walking tour of a Mississippi neighborhood, and he will make remarks on Golf Coast recovery. He will fly to New Orleans and attend dinner with Louisiana state and local officials. On Tuesday he attends a service of prayer and remembrance in New Orleans, makes remarks on Golf Coast recovery and visits with local residents. He will remain overnight in Crawford.

Asked what diplomats have concluded 24 hours after receiving Iran's response to the proposed incentives from the UN Security Council, Deputy White House Press Secretary, Dana Perino said that it took the Iranians two and a half months to respond, so 24 hours was not long. Diplomats are looking at it, and giving it a careful review. There won't be more until possibly later today.

Senator John McCain
Perino was asked whether the President has a response to Senator McCain's criticism of the initial description of the efforts in Iraq being presented as a day at the beach. He said this in Columbus, Ohio yesterday. Perino said the President has said repeatedly that the war in Iraq - the global war on terror - is going to be a long struggle. It will be a difficult one. It will be one that will require sacrifice. Perino referenced three quotations of the President to this effect. He also said it would be a mistake if we left, and that the terrorists would follow us here. Asked if there was a response to McCain's statement that the administration has misled the country, Perino repeated the President's comments.

Republican Criticism
Perino was asked to respond to Republican criticisms about the war and characterizations of it as a civil war. She said the President understands that when you do tough things and hold a tough line, you are open to criticism. However, he is stalwart in his beliefs and in his leadership. The President is leading and not worried about popularity polls.

Call Up of Marines
Perino was asked if the President specifically knew that there would be a call up of marines. She said she did not know and would check on that. Asked if this is a step closer to resuming the draft, Perino said she did not think that was a possibility, but would have more at the briefing.

Senator George Allen
Asked about Senator Allen's use of the word macaca to a campaign worker for his opponent, and whether the President had qualms about appearing at a fundraiser for Allen, Perino said that Senator Allen had made an apology, and when apologies are offered they will be accepted, so the President was going. It was pointed out by reporters that it seems that Senator Allen never actually apologized to the campaign worker, and Perino said she was only there to defend the President's comments and her own.

Perino was asked if we have ever killed any innocent people in Iraq. She replied that innocent people have been killed, but never targeted.

Rockey Vaccarella
Perino said she had mentioned Vaccarella's story to the President, who already knew of it, and he said he would like to meet him. Vaccarella has gone on a tour across the Gulf Coast region, and says he's thankful for the assistance he's received in the past, but he wants to ask the President not to forget the people of Katrina. The President says he is not forgetting, the commitment is renewed, and there will be a National Day of Remembrance. Perino was asked why, given that the President's time is scheduled so far in advance, Vaccarella is being given time in the Oval Office with him over other people and issues. Perino said we are coming up on the anniversary of Katrina.

Closed Fundraisers
Perino was asked if there is any reason why the White House does not release transcripts of the President's remarks at the closed fundraisers that he attends. Perino said she did not know, and would look into it. Asked why the events are closed, Perino replied that when they are at a public location, they are open, and when they are at a private residence, those events are in the private homes of people who open their homes for candidates who are running for office. It was pointed out that there had been a lot of complaints in the previous administration from Republicans and the media when similar events took place. Eventually the previous administration allowed a reporter in so the public could know what the President was doing with his political supporters. A reporter requested that this be done. Perino said that she would take it up.

Spike Lee's Film
Perino said that the President has not seen Spike Lee's film on Katrina, but that he is well aware of it.

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