White Gaggle House
By Lovisa Frost
White House Gaggle
October 24, 2005
President's Schedule
Early this morning, before the hurricane made landfall, the President got an update with the acting head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, David Paulison, to hear the latest preparations on Hurricane Wilma. Later in the morning he spoke with Governor Bush. He spoke also spoke with Secretary Chertoff last night. FEMA has forwarded a Major Disaster Declaration for Florida that the President is expected to sign very soon this morning. White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan said that "Wilma remains a dangerous storm. We urge people in the areas to follow the advice of the local authorities. The state is well prepared; we have pre-positioned food, water, ice and other emergency supplies. We have disaster response teams, medical personal, search and rescue teams in place in the state of Florida. "
President Bush later called to congratulate the Polish President-elect Lech Kaczynski on his victory in the run-off election. McClellan referred to the conversation saying that "The President emphasized that Poland is a good strategic partner of the United States. President-elect Kaczynski agreed that the United States-Polish alliance is vital and both underlined their commitment to continuing strengthening our excellent bilateral relation."
At 10 am, the President will meet with his Cabinet. He will discuss the latest updates on Hurricane Wilma, the progress on war on terror, his meeting with President Abbas about Middle East, Katrina recovery rebuilding efforts, avian flu, and budget priorities. McClellan said that the President will focus on fiscal responsibilities, "Making sure that we are exercising spending restraint as we move forward on the budget."
This afternoon, President Bush has a meeting with the Ambassador to Afghanistan, Ronald Neumann, to get an update on the progress made in Afghanistan and to discuss the ongoing challenges in the country.
Around 2.50 pm this afternoon, the President will drop by a meeting with the Russian Minister of Industry and Energy, and some Russian chief executive officers. This is the first official visit to the United States for the Minister. McClellan said "We hope to continue to strengthen economic ties with Russia." The meeting is hosted by the National Security Council as well as National Economic Council. Among others, Secretary of Commerce, Val Hubbard, Deputy National Security Advisor Dr. J.D. Crouch, and Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economic Affairs will be attending the meeting
Following the meeting, the President will come back to the White House and go to the Library where he will do an interview with Al-Arabiya in regards to his recent meeting with President Abbas and talk further about the Middle East peace process.
Harriet Miers
Harriet Miers has had 23 courtesy visits with member of the senate so far, and has one additional meeting scheduled for later today. McClellan spoke of the President's comments just recently saying that. "He is confident she will be confirmed, because as the senators come to know her the way the President knows her, they will recognize that she will make an outstanding Supreme Court Justice."
McClellan was asked if there is any more information available, and he said the date set by the Senate Judiciary Committee for her to return additional information to the questionnaire is Wednesday. In terms of other documents he continued to say,
"We are committed to make sure that the senate has the information that need to do their job and part of that is making sure that they have all the appropriate documents. She is focused on getting ready for the hearings, and also continuing to get to know member of the United States Senate."
When asked if Harriet Miers still is doing the job as Counsel to the President, McClellan answered no. "She is obviously still the President's general counsel, but Bill Kelly has assumed the day to day responsibilities."
Karl Rove and the Leak Investigation
When asked if Karl Rove and Lewis Libby were at work this morning, and with a question on what kind of an effect the pressure of the leak investigation has on their work in the White House; McClellan answered " I think you heard the President talk about it last week. We have a lot of work to do for the American people, and that's what they expect us to do. We are focused on getting things done. We got to keep our energies focused on things we can do something about; that is the priority of the American people. We are following the developments and the investigation just as you all are. "
When asked about what the President is doing on the question of Syria, McClellan responded, "What he did was to direct Secretary Rice to get the United Nations to convene as quickly as possible at the Foreign Ministers' level."
The United Nations Security Council will meet tomorrow. McClellan continues, "The report is deeply disturbing and we want to talk about the way forward with other members of the United Nation's Security Council. There needs to be accountability for what occurred. They way to discuss that is within the framework of the United Nation's Security Council."
White House Gaggle
October 24, 2005
President's Schedule
Early this morning, before the hurricane made landfall, the President got an update with the acting head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, David Paulison, to hear the latest preparations on Hurricane Wilma. Later in the morning he spoke with Governor Bush. He spoke also spoke with Secretary Chertoff last night. FEMA has forwarded a Major Disaster Declaration for Florida that the President is expected to sign very soon this morning. White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan said that "Wilma remains a dangerous storm. We urge people in the areas to follow the advice of the local authorities. The state is well prepared; we have pre-positioned food, water, ice and other emergency supplies. We have disaster response teams, medical personal, search and rescue teams in place in the state of Florida. "
President Bush later called to congratulate the Polish President-elect Lech Kaczynski on his victory in the run-off election. McClellan referred to the conversation saying that "The President emphasized that Poland is a good strategic partner of the United States. President-elect Kaczynski agreed that the United States-Polish alliance is vital and both underlined their commitment to continuing strengthening our excellent bilateral relation."
At 10 am, the President will meet with his Cabinet. He will discuss the latest updates on Hurricane Wilma, the progress on war on terror, his meeting with President Abbas about Middle East, Katrina recovery rebuilding efforts, avian flu, and budget priorities. McClellan said that the President will focus on fiscal responsibilities, "Making sure that we are exercising spending restraint as we move forward on the budget."
This afternoon, President Bush has a meeting with the Ambassador to Afghanistan, Ronald Neumann, to get an update on the progress made in Afghanistan and to discuss the ongoing challenges in the country.
Around 2.50 pm this afternoon, the President will drop by a meeting with the Russian Minister of Industry and Energy, and some Russian chief executive officers. This is the first official visit to the United States for the Minister. McClellan said "We hope to continue to strengthen economic ties with Russia." The meeting is hosted by the National Security Council as well as National Economic Council. Among others, Secretary of Commerce, Val Hubbard, Deputy National Security Advisor Dr. J.D. Crouch, and Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economic Affairs will be attending the meeting
Following the meeting, the President will come back to the White House and go to the Library where he will do an interview with Al-Arabiya in regards to his recent meeting with President Abbas and talk further about the Middle East peace process.
Harriet Miers
Harriet Miers has had 23 courtesy visits with member of the senate so far, and has one additional meeting scheduled for later today. McClellan spoke of the President's comments just recently saying that. "He is confident she will be confirmed, because as the senators come to know her the way the President knows her, they will recognize that she will make an outstanding Supreme Court Justice."
McClellan was asked if there is any more information available, and he said the date set by the Senate Judiciary Committee for her to return additional information to the questionnaire is Wednesday. In terms of other documents he continued to say,
"We are committed to make sure that the senate has the information that need to do their job and part of that is making sure that they have all the appropriate documents. She is focused on getting ready for the hearings, and also continuing to get to know member of the United States Senate."
When asked if Harriet Miers still is doing the job as Counsel to the President, McClellan answered no. "She is obviously still the President's general counsel, but Bill Kelly has assumed the day to day responsibilities."
Karl Rove and the Leak Investigation
When asked if Karl Rove and Lewis Libby were at work this morning, and with a question on what kind of an effect the pressure of the leak investigation has on their work in the White House; McClellan answered " I think you heard the President talk about it last week. We have a lot of work to do for the American people, and that's what they expect us to do. We are focused on getting things done. We got to keep our energies focused on things we can do something about; that is the priority of the American people. We are following the developments and the investigation just as you all are. "
When asked about what the President is doing on the question of Syria, McClellan responded, "What he did was to direct Secretary Rice to get the United Nations to convene as quickly as possible at the Foreign Ministers' level."
The United Nations Security Council will meet tomorrow. McClellan continues, "The report is deeply disturbing and we want to talk about the way forward with other members of the United Nation's Security Council. There needs to be accountability for what occurred. They way to discuss that is within the framework of the United Nation's Security Council."
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