White House Gaggle
By Gregory Gorman
October 13, 2005
President's Schedule
The President had his usual intelligence briefings this morning. At 9:45am, he will participate in a video teleconference with 10 American soldiers and 1 Iraqi soldier currently on the ground in Iraq. The President and the troops will engage in a "back and forth" conversation on the situation in Iraq as well as having a discussion on Saturday's constitutional referendum in Iraq. According to White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan, President Bush will thank the soldiers for their sacrifice and for the vital mission of freedom in which they are participating. The White House will release details later in the day on the soldiers who have been chosen to join President Bush in the teleconference. McClellan will have a press briefing today at 12:15pm.
War in Iraq
In response to a question regarding the administration's post-war planning for Iraq, McClellan commented that post-war planning was based on intelligence that the White House received before the war began. McClellan said, "There were things that we thought might happen that didn't happen and things that happened that we didn't necessarily expect". When asked if some of the unexpected things were the level of political instability or the cultural clashes between groups in Iraq, McClellan answered, "we did not expect as many people to flee the battlefield like they did. We anticipated that the oil fields would be in much worse shape".
Iraq Referendum
McClellan called Saturday's referendum a historic milestone not only for Iraqis but for people across the broader Middle East as well. According to the White House, today's teleconference is being partly driven by the referendum so that the President can hear the views of some of the soldiers on the ground regarding the upcoming vote. McClellan would not make a prediction about Saturday's referendum but he commented that "the Iraqi people are determined to live in freedom".
Harriet Miers Nomination
McClellan announced that many people who know Harriet Miers very well have been speaking out on her behalf to say that she is very qualified to be an Associate Justice on the Supreme Court. He said, "Those that know her well know that she will make an outstanding Supreme Court Justice. I think it is important to look at her qualifications and record. She is someone who is qualified to serve on our nation's highest court".
October 13, 2005
President's Schedule
The President had his usual intelligence briefings this morning. At 9:45am, he will participate in a video teleconference with 10 American soldiers and 1 Iraqi soldier currently on the ground in Iraq. The President and the troops will engage in a "back and forth" conversation on the situation in Iraq as well as having a discussion on Saturday's constitutional referendum in Iraq. According to White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan, President Bush will thank the soldiers for their sacrifice and for the vital mission of freedom in which they are participating. The White House will release details later in the day on the soldiers who have been chosen to join President Bush in the teleconference. McClellan will have a press briefing today at 12:15pm.
War in Iraq
In response to a question regarding the administration's post-war planning for Iraq, McClellan commented that post-war planning was based on intelligence that the White House received before the war began. McClellan said, "There were things that we thought might happen that didn't happen and things that happened that we didn't necessarily expect". When asked if some of the unexpected things were the level of political instability or the cultural clashes between groups in Iraq, McClellan answered, "we did not expect as many people to flee the battlefield like they did. We anticipated that the oil fields would be in much worse shape".
Iraq Referendum
McClellan called Saturday's referendum a historic milestone not only for Iraqis but for people across the broader Middle East as well. According to the White House, today's teleconference is being partly driven by the referendum so that the President can hear the views of some of the soldiers on the ground regarding the upcoming vote. McClellan would not make a prediction about Saturday's referendum but he commented that "the Iraqi people are determined to live in freedom".
Harriet Miers Nomination
McClellan announced that many people who know Harriet Miers very well have been speaking out on her behalf to say that she is very qualified to be an Associate Justice on the Supreme Court. He said, "Those that know her well know that she will make an outstanding Supreme Court Justice. I think it is important to look at her qualifications and record. She is someone who is qualified to serve on our nation's highest court".
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