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White House Gaggle

By Jay Tamboli
President's Schedule:

The President began his day with his usual briefings and an NSC meeting. Later this morning he will meet with the Secretary of Defense, and than at 10:30 he will make remarks at the rededication of the National Archives. This morning he issued a proclamation of today as "Citizenship Day," and this week as "Constitution Week." At 11:15, the President will be briefed on Hurricane Isabel. The briefing will be led by Secretary of Homeland Security Ridge. This afternoon the President will meet with the Secretary of State. At 4:10, the President will meet with members of the Congressional Conference Committee on energy legislation. Scott McClellan will brief at 12:45. Ambassador Boucher at the State Department, and Larry Di Rita at the Pentagon will each brief at 12:30. On Ask the White House at 11:00 AM, the Director of the National Weather Service's Center for Environmental Prediction will answer questions about Hurricane Isabel.


In response to Hans Blix's saying that Iraq destroyed its WMD programs 10 years ago, Press Secretary McClellan said that Iraq's programs had been documented in many UN Security Council resolutions. David Kay is compiling a report on Iraq's WMD programs, and that report will present a complete history of those programs when the report is complete. As to a link between Iraq and the 9/11/01 attacks, McClellan said that the White House has no evidence at this time to suggest a link, though there is a long history of links between Iraq and terrorism. Asked to explain the belief in such a link by a large portion of the American public, Scott responded that he was not a pollster.

Hurricane Isabel:

Preparations for Hurricane Isabel are being lead by the Department of Homeland Security. At this time, there are no preparations to announce at White House. The White House is in contact with DHS and the Office of Personal Management, and they may have preparations for federal employees this afternoon. The President's trip to Camp Davis this weekend is still as scheduled.

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