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Hoyer Guarantees Democratic Victories In November

By Rob Sanna - Talk Radio News Service

On Tuesday, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) downplayed speculation that Democrats may lose the House in the upcoming mid-term elections. Hoyer said the election is going to be a simple referendum on which party Americans want to lead the nation, adding that Republicans are eager to bring back the policies of the Bush years.

“The public is very concerned about the economy, [Democrats] share that concern,” he told reporters during his weekly press briefing.

“We have been working very hard to get this economy out of the very deep ditch that the Bush administration policies put it into, which were almost unanimously supported by Republicans in the House and Senate, who are now saying they want to return to that exact same agenda.”

Those policies, said Hoyer, created the “worst economy that we’ve had, worst job production, large deficit…That, in my opinion, is what America is going to vote on.”

Democrats need to prevent a Republican net gain of at least 10 seats in the Senate and 40 seats in the House in order to keep their majority this November.


Today At TRNS

Today at TRNS


 The Washington Bureau will be covering covering:


Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on “Perspectives on Reconciliation Options in Afghanistan.”

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce (USCC) holds a discussion on “Implementing New Financial Regulations: Impact on the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).”

House Energy and Commerce Committee Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection Subcommittee hearing on “The BP Oil Spill And Gulf Coast Tourism: Assessing The Impact.”

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer holds his weekly pen and pad only news briefing.

The Senate Democratic/Republican Policy Committees holds their weekly closed luncheon meetings.

The National League of Cities; United States Conference of Mayors; and the National Association of Counties hold a briefing on a report which shows local governments making significant jobs and service cuts.

Education Secretary Arne Duncan delivers an address on the outlook for education reform, the proper federal role in education reform, and President Obama’s vision for education reform for the remainder of his term, at a National Press Club Newsmaker Luncheon.

Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee hearing on “Consumer Online Privacy.”

Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on the nomination of Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis for reappointment to the grade of general and to be commander of the United States Central Command.


Pence: Leaked War Documents an Outrage

Philip Bunnell - Talk Radio News Service

Chairman of the House Republican Conference Congressman Mike Pence (R-IN) expressed outrage Monday over the 90,000 leaked Afghanistan war documents.

The documents, Pence said, were “leaked in a clear violation of the law, it was an outrage and ought to be an outrage to every American.” 

The New York Times, Britain’s The Guardian, and Der Spiegel of Germany all agreed to publish a select number of the war documents which were made public on Wikileaks, a public whistleblower website. Pence criticized the news syndications for publishing the documents, saying that the “publication of those documents was wrong.”

“When we are dealing with national security some things need to stay classified,” Pence said. “I am a champion of reporters’ privileges, but leaking information that compromises national security should not be protected.”

Pence criticized the deadline that President Obama set on troop withdrawal in Afghanistan. “The Taliban are using the president’s deadline as a recruiting tool,” Pence said. “We need to finish the job.”


BP Claims In Lockerbie Bomber Release Incredulous Says Sen. Menendez

Two US Senators are again calling for an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the release of convicted Libyan terrorist Abdel Basset Al Megrahi.

Senators Robert Menendez (D-NJ) and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) joined family members of victims of the Lockerbie bomber at a news conference in Times Square today and questioned the medical pretext for sending Al Megrahi back to Libya from prison in Scotland last August.
Gillibrand said the fact Al Megrahi remains in relative good health, continues to live freely and was greeted has a hero upon his return to Libya is unacceptable and requires a full and transparent investigation.
Al Megrahi was the only suspect convicted  for the 1988 bombing of Panam 103 flight over Lockerbie, Scotland, that killed 270, more than half of whom were American.

Al Megrahi was said to be suffering from terminal prostate cancer, when Scotland released him for a return to Libya  on humanitarian grounds in August, 2009. A British cancer expert who examined Al Megrahi at the request of Libyan government initially gave him three months to live but now says he could live 10 to 20 more years. At the time, family members of the victims as well several American and British politicians publicly condemned the move and suggested BP had been  lobbying for his release. Now Al Megrahi’s continued good health and BP’s disastrous handling of the Gulf Oil spill have reignited debate.
Senator Menedez says BP CEO Tony Hayward’s possible departure does not change the importance of his testimony before the Senate Foreign Policy Commitee. Hayward and BP have still not given an answer as to whether they will appear, while former British Justice Minister Jack Straw, Scottish Justice Minister Kenny MacAskill and  Dr. Andrew Fraser have already declined.
“It is my hope that all of the parties that we have asked to appear will commit to appearing this Thursday” said Menendez, also noting he would be in favor of issuing subpeonas if Hayward and others do not voluntarily testify, but the decision to subpoena witnesses was up to the Chairman of the full Senate Foreign Relations Committee, John Kerry.

Staffers for the Senators circulated copies of a letter that surfaced in September of 2009 from British House of Lords member and Chairman of the Libyan British Business Council( LBBC) Lord Trefgarne addressed to Scottish Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill. 

In it, Trefgarne asks MacAskill to bring the Megrahi matter to a “swift and “satisfactory conclusion” and warns of the risks it could pose to ties between both countries.

“The Libyan authorities have made it clear that should he die in prison in Scotland there will serious implications for UK-Libyan relations. This prospect is of grave concern to LBBC members, not just Scottish ones.” wrote Lord Trefgarne, a few sentences later suggesting Megrahi’s situation was “tailor made” for Release on Licence on Compassionate Grounds.
BP officials have already stated that they did lobby for a prisoner transfer agreement but not specifically for Al Megrahi, a claim Senator Menendez doubts.
“I think its a little incredulous, and I say that simply because Al Megrahi clearly was the one prisonner in custody of  the British/Scottish government that meant something to them. This advocacy by the British Libyan Business Group which BP was part of , clearly, when you talk about the concern about Libyan relations, what was at the forefront of Libyan relations at the time was the 900 million dollar deal. So I think it stretches the imagination not to believe that Al Megrahi was the focal point of what BP was trying to achieve in order to be able to make sure that those relationships were calm. ” said Menedez.


FCC, FDA Partner Up

Philip Bunnell - Talk Radio News Service

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) held a joint meeting Monday to announce “an unprecedented FCC, FDA partnership,” and the importance of wireless technology being used to improve healthcare and streamlined inter-agency communication.

FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski said that he hopes government can work smartly with industry to “create conditions that encourage the development of cutting edge and life saving technology,” such as the human genome project. Genachowski said that bringing broadband and wireless technology to healthcare would reduce costs, help diagnose diseases faster and, ultimately, save lives.

FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg emphasized that the “benefits of wireless technology to healthcare [are] very clear.”  Hamburg was very complementary of the new FCC/FDA partnership, saying that, coupled with broadband and wireless technology, it could “shift the paradigm, and will eventually change the face of medicine forever.”

The FCC and FDA will have another joint meeting Tuesday, July 27, to further discuss life-saving wireless medical technology.