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Entries in working women (1)


Obama understands struggles faced by Ohio working women

Senator Barack Obama's (D-Ill.) campaign hosted a conference call to discuss how Ohio's working women stand to benefit from Obama's economic plan. According to Isaac Baker of the Obama campaign, the plan will assist around 195,000 mothers across Ohio.

U.S. Representative Betty Sutton (D-Ohio) said that Obama has laid out concrete plans on how to strengthen the economy and that he knows government policies must change to meet America's new challenges. Sutton pointed out that the economy has lost 438,000 jobs thus far after six straight months of job loss and that wages have remained stagnant for a generation. Sutton emphasized that Obama has assured economic security for middle class families, both over the long and short term. Citing Obama's offer of a short term $50 billion stimulus to jump start the economy, Sutton was optimistic that he would get the economy back on track. She said that this stimulus goes 'hand in hand' with other investments such as infrastructure and 'green jobs.'

Sutton noted that since 2000, Ohio has lost over 200,000 manufacturing jobs. She said that Obama's vision of promoting 'green jobs' would be beneficial in areas like Ohio. According to Sutton, about 95% of workers and their families would benefit from Obama's tax cuts.

State Representative Jennifer Garrison (D-Ohio) said that Obama's policies are sorely needed and will help families greatly. Garrison pointed out that Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) is not offering relief to the middle class and voted against critical funding in the rural part of Ohio. (14:50)