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Entries in town hall (3)


House Republican: Obama-Care Greatest Threat Since Roe V. Wade

Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.) said Friday morning that the White House is promoting a culture of death for unborn children.

“Right now we are in a serious crisis, the culture of death being promoted by Barack Obama… is outrageous and it’s unconstitutional,” said Smith.

“Obama-Care represents the greatest threat since Roe vs. Wade itself,” Smith added. (0:29)

Obama Dismisses "Death Panel" Rumors

During a town hall meeting held in Portsmouth, New Hampshire Tuesday, Obama dismissed rumors of “death panels”, a term picked up by Conservatives such as former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin to describe government officials who would decide whom to provide coverage for under a public system. The President said that the rumors emerged from an amendment in one of the drafts of health reform legislation that sought to expand medicare coverage to include consultation for end of life treatment, such as hospice care or drafting living wills. (1:02)


Change: Obama wants it, McCain knows how

Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain says that he has repeatedly called for town hall meetings between Sen. Obama and himself, stating that a change in Washington needs a change in campaign protocol. McCain suggests that he and Obama should give Americans “what they deserve” by holding a town hall meeting in California. (1:48)