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Entries in threat (5)


Pelosi: Iran's Nuclear Program Must Be Stopped

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) says every nation should be concerned with Iran’s nuclear program. At her weekly press conference she argues that the development of a nuclear weapon in Iran is the most dangerous threat to the world today (0:23)



Rep. Sherman: North Korea Has Criminal Lust For Funds

Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.), Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Trade, warns that North Korea's possession of nuclear weapons may lead to conflict in the Korean peninsula. Sherman also warns that North Korea represents a threat due to its history of greed which may lead it to sell weapons to whomever will pay for them. (0:36)

Cheney On "Jihad Business" And Gitmo

Former Vice resident Dick Cheney talks about the Guantanamo Bay prisoners and how 14% of those who have been released after trial have gotten back to the "jihad business". Cheney adds that some of the men who are still currently held at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility are some of the most dangerous men for the U.S as they would do anything to kill Americans. (1:03)

WMDs Ideal Deterrent For Poor People

Richard Bush, a Senior Fellow and Director for the Center for Northeast Asian Policy Studies, discusses the North Korean point of view on the U.S being a threat and how Pyong Yang tries to deal with this threat. (0:28)

Napolitano: Mexican Drug Cartel Violence A Threat To U.S. Homeland Security

By Kayleigh Harvey - Talk Radio News Service

At a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing today on "Southern Border Violence: Homeland Security Threats, Vulnerabilities and Responsibilities," Secretary for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano agreed with a question posed by Committee Chairman, Senator Joseph Liberman (D-Conn.) on threats to U.S. homeland security. Senator Liberman asked whether, as Secretary of Homeland and Security, she considered Mexican drug cartel violence a real threat to the homeland security of the United States.