Unemployed Protestor: Congress, Please Extend Payroll Tax Cut
Ted Evans, an unemployed Ameican marching to the Capitol, tells Talk Radio News his unemployment benefits will soon end and he needs Congress to extend those benefits. (0:28)

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Ted Evans, an unemployed Ameican marching to the Capitol, tells Talk Radio News his unemployment benefits will soon end and he needs Congress to extend those benefits. (0:28)
Former Maryland teacher Patty LeBlanc says she is protesting for the people who are losing their homes, jobs and life insurance at “Take Back The Capitol” from Dec. 5-8. (0:18)
Before marching to Congress to ask for jobs, former teacher and Take Back The Capitol protestor Patty LeBlanc told Talk Radio News that the inequality in America is heading to in a dangerous direction. (0:21)
OurDC member John Butler told TRNS the drivimg force behind “Take Back The Capitol” protests is Congress’ inability to pass jobs legislation. (0:19)
OurDC member John Bulter tells TRNS that the local nonprofit is expecting protesters from 48 states to join in demonstrations to “Take Back The Capitol.” (0:05)
John Butler, member of OurDC, says the organization is preparing to host nearly 3,000 protesters for the “Take Back The Capitol” protest Dec. 5-8. (0:06)