White House, Pennsylvania Voters Abandoning Specter, Says NRSC Official
In a conversation with Talk Radio News Service, National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) Communications Director Brian Walsh previews a few key Senate primary races set to take place on Tuesday. (:33)
tagged Arlen Specter, Bob Bennett, Grayson, Specter, blanche lincoln, brian walsh, crist, geoff holtzman, nrsc, rand paul, rubio, senate primaries, sestak in Audio, Congress
Specter Says Economy Forced Him To Switch Parties
U.S. Senator Arlen Specter (D-Penn.) commented on his party switch during his keynote address at the “Best and Brightest Forum on Medical Innovation: Achieving Recovery Through Discovery” today at the Newseum. He said he just couldn't stand by the Republican party given the economic problems of the country and the prospect of falling into another Great Depression. (0:36)