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Entries in rape (3)


Refugees International: Rape A Governement Weapon In Darfur

Senator Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) quoting a Refugees International report which states that rape in Darfur is used by the government as a weapon against society. (0:36)

Rape victim supports post trial DNA testing

By Kayleigh Harvey - Talk Radio News Service

Rape victim, Michele Mallin, whose accused assailant was exonerated posthumously by DNA testing, has lent her support to William G. Osborne in the Supreme Court hearing District Attorney's Office v. William G. Osborne. Osborne is applying for DNA testing to prove his innocence under the civil rights act. Mallin said: "I believe everyone has a right to this testing and I signed the Osborne brief myself, because it's the right thing to do. Everybody deserves that right to have that DNA test to prove that your guilty or you innocent."

Nearly half of servicewomen are sexually assaulted 

Rep. Jane Harman (D-Cali.) says that women serving in the military are more likely to get raped by a fellow solider than killed by enemy fire in Iraq. Harman also said that 41 percent of female veterans said they were victims sexual assault and 29 percent said they were vicitims of rape. (0:42)
