Burning Qurans A "Problem," Says Obama
President Barack Obama says that Florida Pastor Terry Jones’ idea to burn Quran’s on the ninth anniversary of September 11 is provocative and a “problem.” (0:21)

Search Talk Radio News Service:
President Barack Obama says that Florida Pastor Terry Jones’ idea to burn Quran’s on the ninth anniversary of September 11 is provocative and a “problem.” (0:21)
President Barack Obama tells reporters that amid growing controversy over religious tolerance, Americans need to be certain “we don’t start turning on each other.” (0: 34)
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs says the prospect of burning Qurans is a hateful, offensive act and all religions understand the hatefulness that might transpire. (0:38)
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs says that “international Burn a Koran Day” is an event that is “nothing less than a big recruiting bonanza” for al Qaeda and other extremist groups. (0:12)
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs says that Florida pastor Terry Jones’ plan to burn Qurans on the anniversary of September 11 is a “monumentally terrible idea.” (0:39)
CAIR Says Sharing Quran Will Be 'Golden Opportunity' For Muslim-Americans