Who will survive the critics?
The Clinton Campaign held a conference call with the chief strategist of the campaign, Geoff Garin, the communications director, Howard Wolfson, and the deputy communications director, Phil Singer, to discuss the state of the race.
Geoff Garin started the conference by saying that Senator Obama’s closing argument in Pennsylvania was very negative and strictly directed to assault Senator Hilary Clinton. Garin talked about Senator Clinton’s strengths on overcoming the tough challenges that awaits her if elected president. In his opinion, the senator from New York is “far better prepared” to those difficulties than Senator Obama.
The conference call continued by statements from Howard Wolfson. Wolfson reminded the reporters that the Senator Obama has overspent in Pennsylvania three to one. he has spent a “roughly $11.2 million”, whereas Clinton “four million. he questioned Senator Obama’s capabilities by expressing his concern on Obama’s difficulties to win the swing states such as Ohio and Pennsylvania. He then added that Obama “has serious problems winning, he will do anything to win.”
Phil Singer talked about Obama being on the defensive due to “his concerns on his abilities” to become a president. He touched upon Senator Obama’s comments on the small town Americans and the Republicans’ pressure on the Democrats to correct those statements. Senator Obama has lost the support of the small town Americans, according to Singer.
Geoff Garin started the conference by saying that Senator Obama’s closing argument in Pennsylvania was very negative and strictly directed to assault Senator Hilary Clinton. Garin talked about Senator Clinton’s strengths on overcoming the tough challenges that awaits her if elected president. In his opinion, the senator from New York is “far better prepared” to those difficulties than Senator Obama.
The conference call continued by statements from Howard Wolfson. Wolfson reminded the reporters that the Senator Obama has overspent in Pennsylvania three to one. he has spent a “roughly $11.2 million”, whereas Clinton “four million. he questioned Senator Obama’s capabilities by expressing his concern on Obama’s difficulties to win the swing states such as Ohio and Pennsylvania. He then added that Obama “has serious problems winning, he will do anything to win.”
Phil Singer talked about Obama being on the defensive due to “his concerns on his abilities” to become a president. He touched upon Senator Obama’s comments on the small town Americans and the Republicans’ pressure on the Democrats to correct those statements. Senator Obama has lost the support of the small town Americans, according to Singer.
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