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Entries in New York City (5)


Former NYPD Cop: Stop, Question, Frisk Policing Method Successful

Former NYPD Detective, Edward Conlon, told the House Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security that the practice of stopping, questioning, and frisking, though criticized, has been successful in combating violent crimes and murders in New York City. (0:36)



DC Primary Day: President's Opinion Doesn't Matter

D.C. voter Bonnie Cain says that it is up to the people of Washington, D.C. to decide who the mayor will be in today’s primary, regardless of the opinions of President Obama. (0:23)



Joe Madison Freedom of Speech

Speech given by Joe Madison, The Black Eagle, at the New Media Seminar held in New York City on June 6-7, 2008. This is his acceptance speech for the Freedom of Speech Award, awarded by Talkers Magazine.

**note** This speech includes one instance of profanity, spoken at time code: 6:14 to 6:19.


New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg says the key to New York's crime fighting is that the police department reflects the people in the community

During his speech to the World Bank about "Building Better Cities," New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg answers a question about how the police force in New York City has been so successful at reducing crime. We have tried to allocate the police department to problem places with problem people, he says, instead of putting them "where people scream the loudest." He says that the police department reflects the community in respect to demographics. That is "key," because it is critically important that people feel "the police officer understands you." It's a two way dialogue, he says, and without that, crime fighting is not effective. (1:30)


New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg says there are four values that have helped transform New York

In his speech to the World Bank about "Building Better Cities," New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg says there are four values that have helped transform New York. Harnessing the forces of immigration and globalization, tapping the power of innovation, instituting rigorous and accountable governance, and having the independence to take on 'entrenched interests' when they stand in the way of progress. (:27)