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Entries in Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation (3)


President Needs To Seize BP's Assets, Says Protester

Mahdi Bray, the executive director of Muslim American Society Freedom, says President Barack Obama should seize all of BP's assets in order to help the Gulf Coast economy recover from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. (0:39)

Advocate Blames Israel, The United States And Egypt For Gaza Blockade

Mahdi Bray, the Executive Director of the advocacy organization Muslim American Society Freedom, stressed his belief Wednesday that the people of Gaza should not be subjected to "medieval" military tactics and places the blame on the three countries he believed has made the blockade possible: Israel, the U.S. and Egypt. (0:26).

Interview: MASF-Executive Director says Pres. Candidates Ignoring Gaza Siege

The Muslim American Society Freedom (MASF) held a press conference at the National Press Club today in response to the ensuing events in Gaza. The organization announced that they are launching a "End the Embargo in Gaza" campaign to raise awareness of the deteriorating conditions there and bring the siege to an end. Mahdi Bray, Executive Director of MASF, says that the presidential candidates are "willfully silent" about the events in Gaza and show "no compassion" towards the Palestinian people.