Carney Calls On GOP To Side With Middle Class
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney tells reporters that Republicans should side with the middle classover millionaires by passing the Democratic plan to extend payroll relief. (0:31)

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White House Press Secretary Jay Carney tells reporters that Republicans should side with the middle classover millionaires by passing the Democratic plan to extend payroll relief. (0:31)
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney tells reporters Obama is more focused on his presidential duties than on campaigning. (0:39)
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney says the administration is carefully considering the decision of whether to grant healthcare law waivers to certain religious groups who say the law will force taxpayers into subsidizing insurance coverage for contraceptives and other forms of birth control. (0:13)
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters Tuesday that he will not speculate on whether the President will support a payroll tax cut extension that doesn’t include a surtax. (0:22)
During today’s White House briefing, Press Secretary Jay Carney says the administration remains hopeful that the “Super Committee” will find a balanced solution that does not put the sole burden on one sector of the population. (0:34)
During today’s White House briefing, Press Secretary Jay Carney says President Obama will do everything in his power to help struggling Americans who “can’t wait until Republicans suddenly decide that it’s the right time to help the economy grow”. (0:33)
In a White House briefing, Press Secretary Jay Carney said Republicans in Congress are “alone even within their own party” because even Republicans outside of Congress support the objectives of the president’s jobs bill. (1:04)
In a White House briefing, Press Secretary Jay Carney says the White House is growing increasingly frustrated by the “unconscionable dysfunctionality of Congress” and polls show that the American people are as well. (0:31)
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney states that there is no economic justification for the downgrading, as it was based on political analysis and the process dealing with it, rather than the actual math. (0:46)
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney talks to the press about the damage done by simply playing chicken with the economy, but says that the U.S. in the long run still remains a AAA country with a AAA economy, and remains the safest of safe harbors in terms of investments. (0:37)
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney calls it unacceptable for Congress to go on recess and leaving this issue unresolved for the sake of political disputes. Carney says that the President has spoken with House Speaker Boehner and members of his administration are actively engaged in finding a solution. (0:51)
As President Barack Obama signed the bill that Congress passed earlier today, the debt ceiling is now extended through 2012. White House Press Secretary Jay Carney says that demonstrates that the U.S. remains the safest of safe harbors. (0:31)
The White House is looking to take all measures possible and believes there will be bipartisan support for doing the right thing for Americans, which includes extending the tax cuts for the middle class and spur economic activity. (0:49)
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney talks about who would suffer if America would default on its obligations, and states that it is not Democratic nor Republican but rather an American problem.
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney says that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has lost legitimacy by refusing to lead the transition. (:26)
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney discusses the debt reduction talks and says that the President wants the players to check their positions and rhetoric at the door. Everyone needs to agree on the problem, accept negotiations and compromise on the details of how to get there. (:45)
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney speaks about the President’s continued concern about the oil spill in the Gulf as well as his commitment to help mitigate the effects of that event. (1:00)
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney speaks to reporters from Air Force One en route to San Francisco, California, about bi-partisan work on deficit reduction. (:52)