Peace Process Is Difficult And Frustrating, Says Gen. Jones
Former National Security Advisor Gen. James L. Jones uses a Charlie Brown analogy to describe the frustration of the inconsistent Middle Eastern peace negotiations. (0:36)

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Former National Security Advisor Gen. James L. Jones uses a Charlie Brown analogy to describe the frustration of the inconsistent Middle Eastern peace negotiations. (0:36)
Former National Security Advisor Gen. James L. Jones says that the threat of Iran plays a large factor in the urgency in achieiving Middle Eastern peace. (0:31)
Former National Security Advisor Gen. James L. Jones notes that we are in a moment of “enormous potential” because of the convergence of Europe, the Arab world, and the US’ commitment to Middle Eastern peace. (0:18)
Talk Radio News Service International Correspondent Jack Rice analyzes the thousands of secret Afghanistan documents leaked to the press by the organization, WikiLeaks. (:53)