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Entries in Iraq War strategy (2)


James Bovard: "Obama acts like federal spending is a magic wand"

Talk Radio News, Victoria Jones, interviews author, James Bovard at the 2009 Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C. Bovard talks about why he thinks President Obama's new Iraq war strategy is a step in the right direction and talks about the U.S. budget. Bovard says, "Obama acts like federal spending is a magic wand." (09:47)

John P. Avlon: "We got bigger fish to fry in the economy"

Talk Radio News Service, Victoria Jones, interviews John P. Avlon, a Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute at the 2009 Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C. Avlon talks about Governor Bobby Jindal of Lousiana, Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin. Avlon also talks about why he thinks President Obama's withdraw from Iraq decision was a smart move not just politically but strategically. (11:52)