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Entries in industry (2)


Geithner: Challenges To Small Businesses

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner briefly reflects on the challenges that small businesses which have been reasonable with their borrowing still face. He separate their problems into two categories: those who were unlucky with their choice of bank, and those who are in an industry that typically suffers in times of recession. (0:28)

What would Reagan do?

By Michael Ruhl, University of New Mexico – Talk Radio News Service

Congressman Ted Poe (R-Texas) spoke with Michael Ruhl at the House Republican Conference Radio Row concerning what kind of budget Ronald Reagan would put together in this economy. He emphasized the importance of the Government staying out of the private sector, the limited role of small government, and the need for limited taxation.

Poe called the President Obama's budget an abomination, but said that the Republicans may themselves be spending too much in their budget.
