Business Leader: Tax Structure Needs to Change
Jack Earle, Chair of International Franchising Association (IFA), says President Obama needs to change tax structures to pay for his jobs plan. (0:13)

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Jack Earle, Chair of International Franchising Association (IFA), says President Obama needs to change tax structures to pay for his jobs plan. (0:13)
Jack Earle, Chair of International Franchising Association (IFA), responds to Obama’s plan to extend payroll tax cuts and increase unemployment benefits that it will not solve long-term issues and will cost money the country doesn’t have.
Earle was invited to attend the President’s speech by House Speaker John Boehner. (0:47)
Jack Earle, Chair of International Franchising Association (IFA), says uncertainty of tax structure is affecting businesses’ ability to hire people.
Earle was invited to attend the President’s speech by House Speaker John Boehner. (0:14)
Jack Earle, Chair of International Franchising Association (IFA), says that Obama’s job creation speech did not address the long-term issues, such as businesses’ difficult access to credit which prevents them from hiring new employees.
Earle was invited to attend the President’s speech by House Speaker John Boehner. (1:35)