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Entries in House armed services committee (13)


DOD Official Says U.S. States Can Get Used Equipment From Iraq, But They May Not Want It

Department of Defense Logistics Undersecretary Alan Estevez says that U.S. states and local entities will have access to excess military equipment prior to its transfer to the Iraqi government, but says the property is probably useless in the United States because of its voltage specifications.

IEDs cannot be eliminated

Lieutenant General Thomas F. Metz tells the House Armed Services Committee that we cannot completely eradicate IEDs but we can remove their strategic importance (0:23).

The situation is improving, but still not enough staff for injured soldiers

Chairwoman Susan Davis (D-Cali.) of the House Armed Services Committee describes the staff shortage in care centers for wounded soldiers. (1:15)

Warning, traditional warfare is over!

Dr. Andrew Krepinevich talks about the changing face of warfare and the implications of linguistic challenges. Krepinevich believes that forces against the United States will not utilize traditional warfare but will rather utilize chemical weapons. (0:15)

Election year or not--security should come first

House Armed Services Committee subcommittee on Terrorism and Unconventional Threats ranking member, Mac Thornberry (R-TX) says that efforts at security legislation are being punished by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi who, he says, is using the Colombia Free Trade Agreement as "political leverage." (0:38)


"Our potential vulnerability to new threats grows everyday"

House Armed Services Committee subcommittee on Terrorism and Unconventional Threats ranking member, Mac Thornberry (R-TX) argues that his committee can not fully do its job to fight terrorism if other security measures like FISA or authorizing interrogation techniques are not addressed in the House. (0:57)

Condeleeza Rice says we are now facing a "continuum" between war and peace 

Secretary of State Condeleeza Rice says at a House Armed Services Committee hearing that the world is no longer facing “neat categories between war and peace” but instead a continuum between war and peace. She says that cooperation between the Departments of State and Defense is crucial to success in countries the U.S. “must make capable of waging counter-terrorism” or countries emerged from wars but still remain unstable. (0:49)

Allan Shaffer says there is still much to accomplish with our non-conventional warfare methods 

At the House Armed Services Committee Terrorism, Unconventional Threats and Capabilities Subcommittee hearing on "The FY2009 National Defense Authorization Budget Request - Department of Defense Science and Technology: Responding to the 21st Century Irregular Warfare Threat Environment," Allan Shaffer, principle deputy director of Defense Research and Engineering at the Defense Department, says over the last two years we have begun to reshape the investment of the department to work on programs in non-conventional areas, such as biometrics, human social modeling, locating tagging and tracking, surveillance, and cyber protection. While we are currently well positioned to support the force, he says, there is still much to accomplish. (:45)

Ike Skelton (D-MO) says that the Army's problems have been the same for the last three years

Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, Ike Skelton, says that the challenges that the Army is facing have been the same for the last three years and that he doesn't see any change on the horizon. (0:45)

Lt. General Schoomaker says Air Force bases provides for a fit and health force, during the House Armed Services Committee hearing on AMAP

At the House Armed Services Committee hearing on the Army’s Medical Action Plan and Other Services’ Support for Wounded Service Members, Army Surgeon General Lieutenant General Eric B. Schoomaker says it's important to understand that Air Force bases are "operational platforms" that support war fighting capabilities. He says this provides for a fit and healthy force, and that their emphasis on fitness and prevention has led to the lowest disease and non-battle injury rate in history. Forward stabilization followed by rapid air evacuation, he says, has proven to be the gold standard in saving lives. (:50)

Congresswoman Susan Davis (D-CA) says that our resposibility is to focus on the rehabilitation of the soldiers and their familes at the House Armed Services Committee hearing on AMAP

At the House Armed Services Committee hearing on the Army’s Medical Action Plan and Other Services’ Support for Wounded Service Members, Subcommittee Chairwoman Susan Davis says “our challenge and our responsibility” is to make sure that the military as a whole, not just the health care system, remains focused on the recovery and rehabilitation of wounded soldiers and their families. (:29)


Lt. Gen. David Barno addressed House Armed Services Committee on Afghanistan

Retired Lieutenant General David Barno spoke today in front of the House Armed Services Committee about the escalation of violence in Afghanistan since 2004. He cited figures revealing stark increases in “security incidents,” roadside bombs, suicide bombings, and air attacks by coalition and NATO forces. He described suicide bombings in Afghanistan as a “decidedly non-Afghan phenomenon… which has been imported from Iraq.”


Ambassador Karl Inderfurth addressed House Armed Services Committee on NATO role in Afghanistan

Ranking member of the House Armed Services Committee Duncan Hunter expressed concern regarding NATO's cooperation in Afghanistan claiming that the organization is not offering enough support to the U.S. in carrying out their military activities. Ambassador Karl Inderfurth addressed the committee and explained that NATO members are operating in a manner reflective of the desires of their respective nations in their attempts to resolve the conflict in Afghanistan with minimal violence and military force.
