I Am Pro-Life From Conception, Period, Says Cain
GOP presidential Herman Cain explains that his interview response was taken out of context but he is pro-life from conception and has not wavered on this matter (0:47).

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GOP presidential Herman Cain explains that his interview response was taken out of context but he is pro-life from conception and has not wavered on this matter (0:47).
GOP presidential hopeful Herman Cain concludes his remarks at the National Press Club on Monday by singing to represent how his faith played a major role in his decision to run for president (00:34).
GOP presidential hopeful Herman Cain says that he does not know of any settlement the was a result from the sexual harassment charges made against him while working as the head of the National Restaurant Association. (0:17)
Herman Cain explains that he has never sexually harassed anyone but he was falsely accused of sexually harassment while working as the head of the National Restaurant Association in the 1990s (1:00).
GOP Presidential hopeful Herman Cain says the government’s role in creating fairness “should be zero.” He prefers to let the free market work. (0:41)
Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain clarifies his position on social issues during a speech at the Values Voter Summit in downtown DC.
Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain explains his 9-9-9 plan to reform the U.S. tax code during a speech to an enthusiastic audience of socially conservative voters. (0:38)
Republic presidential candidate Herman Cain says that while he may never have held a high political office, he knows what a leader is. (0:21)
Republican Presidential Candidate Herman Cain says acknowledges his newfound position near the top of the GOP presidential field. (0:38)
Republican presidential Herman Cain says that as a black man who grew up poor, he is not angry at America because he has achieved the American dream. (0:29)