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Entries in halliburton (2)


Former KBR employee says her life was in danger after reporting on her co-workers’ illegal activities in Iraq

Linda Warren, a former Halliburton/KBR employee in Iraq, says she witnessed looting and poor treatment of Iraqi employees by her co-workers and managers. When KBR security and the U.S. military inspected the quarters they found enough contraband to “fill a warehouse.” Warren says she had to be extracted from Baghdad the next day after the KBR office intercepted a threatening e-mail from one of her co-workers. (0:41)

Senator Dorgan Outraged by the Denial of KRB and The Pentagon

At the press conference today. Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND) talks about the KRB and its failure to provide the soldiers with clean water in Iraq. He is outraged, yet remains curious, by the fact that the military and the contractors denied the allegations. He seems to seek for answers as to why the military lied about the allegations, when they already were aware of the facts, at a hearing last year. (0:48)