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Entries in gun control (4)


Americans Support Gun Purchase Background Checks, Says Bloomberg Advisor

Chief Advisor to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg for Policy and Strategic Planning, John Feinblatt, testified Tuesday in favor of the Fix Gun Checks Act, saying that a majority of Americans support mandatory background checks for gun purchases. (0:11)

Fix Gun Checks Act 'A People's Bill' Says Tucson Shooting Survivor

Col. Bill Badger, a survivor of the January Tucson shooting, showed his support for the Fix Gun Checks Act at a press conference Tuesday, saying the bill should not be seen as a partisan issue, but rather as a “people’s bill.” (0:07)



Fix Gun Checks Act Can Save Lives, Says Tucson Shooting Witness

Patricia Maisch, a witness who prevented the Tucson shooter from reloading, expressed her support for the Fix Gun Checks Act at a hearing Tuesday. (0:30)


Brookings Fellow Taylor explains the “almost consensus view” on gun control 

Stuart Taylor, a Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution, talks about the recent gun control case held by the Supreme Court. Taylor explains the whole argument of the case came directly from a clause in the Second Amendment, which he quotes. He also says that the whole dispute between anti- and pro-gun people has been the same for many years and deals with this clause of the Second Amendment. (1:09)