Former NM Governor: Legalized Marijuana Will Reduce Border Violence
Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson (R) tells TRNS that one of the keys to reducing violence on the Mexican border is the legalization of marijuana. (0:37)

Search Talk Radio News Service:
Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson (R) tells TRNS that one of the keys to reducing violence on the Mexican border is the legalization of marijuana. (0:37)
Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson (R) tells TRNS he has been a long time proponent of repealing the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy because it has shown no adverse effects on other countries who have done so. (0:42)
Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson (R) tells TRNS that banning earmarks is a “no-brainer” and is essential in working towards helping reduce the nation’s deficit. (0:19)
Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson (R) speaks with TRNS about the need for all parts of the federal government to reduce spending and ease the enormous deficit that the United States faces. (0:48)
Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson (R) talks with TRNS about the dire financial situation facing the United States caused by broken promises from both Republicans and Democrats. (0:32)