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Entries in Dr. Allen Keller (2)


Doctor says enhanced interrogation is still torture

Dr. Allen Keller says that 'enhanced interrogation' is still torture at a discussion hosted by the National Endowment of Democracy (NED). Keller says that if it looks like torture and smells like torture, then it is torture. He also reiterates that water boarding is simulated drowning, not just something that sounds like a sport, and emphasizes that language has meaning. (0:26)

Doctor says sleep deprivation is 'meant to get people to confess'

Dr. Allen Keller, associate professor of medicine at New York University says that there is a profound difference between choosing not to sleep and being deprived of sleep by someone. Keller says sleep deprivation results in anxiety, palpitations and delusions. He says it is not an effective way of getting useful information and is rather, meant to get people to confess. (1:09)