Tortured POWs continue to go without compensation
Congressman Bruce Braley (D-Iowa) spoke today at the Committee of the Judiciary hearing on ensuring legal redress for American victims of State-sponsored terrorism. He says that the Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act is there to provide POWs with the compensation that they deserve. The President’s veto of the bill, will expose Iraq with billions of dollars of liability and reconstruction efforts, however the government of Iraq entered into commercial compensation resolutions with Japan for commercial claims, but people who suffered torture have gone without compensation. (1:19)
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Schumer: "Something's out of wack with Executive compensation"
The Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee met for the second time to discuss “Enhancing Investor Protection and the Regulation of Securities Markets.”
At the hearing, Senator Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said, “We all believe people should be rewarded for good performance, that’s not the problem, but what we’ve seen in many instances that has enraged Americans is a heads-eye wind tail you lose system. In which executives are rewarded for flashing the pan short term gains, or even worse, rewarded richly when the company does poorly and the shareholders have been hammered.”