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Entries in clean (3)


Perriello: Congress Dedicated to Ending Corruption

Freshman Congressman Tom Perriello (D-VA) explains how he believes that Congress is dedicated to ending corruption, and how the Clean Law for Earmark Accountability Reform marks a major move in the direction to stamp it out. He believes this issue transcends all political parties because it is an issue that casts a shadow over all representatives. (0:28)

Hodes: CLEAN is Key for Public Approval of Congress

Representative Paul Hodes (D-N.H.) explains why he feels that the Clean Law for Earmark Accountability Reform Act is so important for Congress. He believes that it will help to restore Americans trust in their elected officials. (0:45)

Green for All takes part in Climate Equity Alliance

by Christina Lovato, University of New Mexico-Talk Radio News Service

This afternoon at a discussion to introduce the Climate Equity Alliance, Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, the CEO of Green for All, talked about why Green for All is taking part in the alliance. Ellis-Lamkins said “Our hope is that working together, if we do this right, we’ll really be able to make sure that both our planet and the people that inhabit it are not really just surviving but in fact thriving in a clean energy economy." (01:52)