Elmendorf Says Economic Downturn Isn't Over
Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Director Doug Elmendorf testifies before the Senate Budget Committee and says that the economy is only halfway through its downturn. (0:29)

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Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Director Doug Elmendorf testifies before the Senate Budget Committee and says that the economy is only halfway through its downturn. (0:29)
At a forum on affordable healthcare held at the United States Chamber of Commerce, former Congressional Budget Office Director Douglas Elmendorf explained how the Affordable Care Act passed last year will increase more than predicted. (1:26)
CBO Director Doug Elmendorf shares CBO projections that reveal a bleak outlook for job creation and unemployment percentages. (0:40)
CBO Director Doug Elmendorf talks about the potential effects of a new fiscal and economic policy. (0:31)
CBO Director Doug Elmendorf reveals CBO projections for economic and fiscal recovery in the United States. (0:16)
Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Director Douglas W. Elmendorf says that if debt goes unchecked, the consequence will be a lower standard of living in America. (0:06)
McConnell Criticizes Meeting Between Obama and Congressional Budget Office Director