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Entries in Bernake (3)


Financial Stress Tests Successful, Says Bernanke

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernake explains what is now known as the stress test, or Supervisory Capital Assessment Program (SCAP). He says the test determines the capital needs of the largest financial institutions. He notes that the majority of institutions that received the assessment have raised equity in public markets, and 10 of the largest U.S. bank holding companies have repaid almost $70 billion to the Treasury. (0:35)

Healthcare matters on many dimensions

The Chairman of the United States’ Federal Reserve Ben Bernake talks about one of the major issues facing the United States’ economy - healthcare. He says that healthcare makes up over 15 percent of the total economy, making it impossible to separate healthcare from politics. (0:38)

Economic future looks “unattractive”

Ben Bernake, the Chairman of the United States’ Federal Reserve, answers Sen. Chuck Grassley’s (R-Iowa) question on what would happen to the nation’s economy if the adverse consequences of the cost of healthcare are not unchecked. Bernake says that all outcomes would be “unattractive.” He also says the United States doesn’t need to just focus on balancing the national budget, but look at the much broader question of the stability and strength of the economy over a longer period of time. (1:15)