Today Sen. Barack Obama’s (D-Ill.) campaign attacked Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) for what they called another “four years of Bush economics.” The Obama campaign featured Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) and Heidi Hartman of the Institute for Women’s Policy Research on an afternoon conference call to take aim at the Arizona senator and lay out Sen. Obama’s own plans to help working women.
Speaking on the call, Sen. Klobuchar said that Obama’s plan would be best for working women because it would provide a $1,000 tax break to families and $500 to single women. “This program will help low income women come into the middle class,” said Klobuchar. The plan that Obama has laid out also calls for increasing the national minimum wage, something that Hartman said would be critical to “women’s equality.”
According to the Obama campaign, McCain’s tax plan would leave out a hundred million Americans and would give over three hundred billion dollars in tax giveaways to big corporations. While the Obama campaign stated that his plan would cut taxes for ninety five percent of Americans and would also work to elevate women’s pay to equal that of men’s. “Equal pay for women is equally important for both men and women because it affects that standard of the family,” added Hartman. Hartman concluded that Obama’s plan was “the most detailed plan i’ve ever seen from a presidential candidate.” (27:00)
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