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Entries in Amy Klobuchar (9)


Labor Report Shows Higher Unemployment Among Less Educated

A July report by the Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that the unemployment rate for people without a high school diploma is 15.4%, high school graduates without a college degree is 9.4%, and those with a college degree is only 4.7%. "I can see why the president has made it a priority to try to get people to not just finish high school, but to finish at least a year of college," says Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.). (0:17)

Sotomayor Inspired By TV Lawyer

During her confirmation hearing Wednesday, Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor tells Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) that the television show Perry Mason inspired her to become a prosecutor. She describes one episode in which the prosecutor says their job is to "do justice and justice is served when a guilty man is convicted and an innocent man is not." She says she thought the idea of serving in that role was quite amazing. (0:54)

Klobuchar To Sotomayor: I Believe You Can Be A Justice For All Of Us

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) confirms that she supports Judge Sonia Sotomayor's nomination with the condition that Sotomayor enforce the law "without fear or favor." Klobuchar explains that in her opinion, Sotomayor's background and experience should allow Sotomayor to remain "humble." (0:36)

Klobuchar Defends Sotomayor's Background And Experience

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) praises the diversity of the Judicial Committee, of which she is a member, and uses her personal experience to draw a parallel with the importance of including men and women from different backgrounds and experiences in the Supreme Court to ensure that a decision is taken based on different points of view. (0:36)

Klobuchar: Good Judges Ask Tough Questions 

Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) shoots down allegations against Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor that claim she has been too tough in the past. Boxer argues that all good judges have to ask tough questions. (0:24)

Klobuchar: Today's Health Care Reform Not Clinton Era Reform

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) says President Barack Obama has a better chance of passing major health care reform than the previous Democratic administration because the cost of health care has gone up, businesses in general support the plan and the majority of Americans want the system to change. (0:41)

All That Water Has To Go Somewhere

Coffee Brown, University of New Mexico, Talk Radio News

Sen. Amy Klobuchar on redistributing flood waters between Minnesota and North Dakota.


Sen. Klobuchar says oil market a casino without rules

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) says there is no way to explain why gas has increased 25 percent in six months, noting that American demand has decreased and that a number of oil executives have said oil prices should be much lower given physical demand in the market. She quoted an expert who called the oil market “a gaming hall” and a “casino without rules.” (1:01)

Obama campaign says McCain is “four more years of Bush economics”

Today Sen. Barack Obama’s (D-Ill.) campaign attacked Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) for what they called another “four years of Bush economics.” The Obama campaign featured Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) and Heidi Hartman of the Institute for Women’s Policy Research on an afternoon conference call to take aim at the Arizona senator and lay out Sen. Obama’s own plans to help working women.

Speaking on the call, Sen. Klobuchar said that Obama’s plan would be best for working women because it would provide a $1,000 tax break to families and $500 to single women. “This program will help low income women come into the middle class,” said Klobuchar. The plan that Obama has laid out also calls for increasing the national minimum wage, something that Hartman said would be critical to “women’s equality.”

According to the Obama campaign, McCain’s tax plan would leave out a hundred million Americans and would give over three hundred billion dollars in tax giveaways to big corporations. While the Obama campaign stated that his plan would cut taxes for ninety five percent of Americans and would also work to elevate women’s pay to equal that of men’s. “Equal pay for women is equally important for both men and women because it affects that standard of the family,” added Hartman. Hartman concluded that Obama’s plan was “the most detailed plan i’ve ever seen from a presidential candidate.” (27:00)