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Entries in AMA (2)


President Obama Says Health Care Reform Is In Sight 

President Obama held a press conference Friday to give an update on the progress of health care reform. He said that more groups are signing on to tackle the issue including pharmaceutical companies, AARP, American Nurses Association and the American Medical Association. In addition, Obama said he is committed to not having health care add to the national deficit. The President was definite in saying that health care reform will be achieved by the end of this year. (9:06)

Howard Dean Responds To AMA's Critique Of Obama's Health Care Plan

In response to a question on the American Medical Association's (AMA) critique of President Obama's health care plan, former Vermont Governor Dr. Howard Dean said that the AMA was misrepresented by The New York Times and did not take a position against the public option . He asserted that there was a willingness to work with people with questions but that it is imperative that the American people are able to choose whether they want to remain with the current health care system or try something new. (0:26)