Sharpton To One Nation Rally: Vote In The Midterms
Civil rights leader Reverend Al Sharpton urged demonstrators at the One Nation rally in Washington, D.C. Saturday to vote in the upcoming midterm elections.

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Civil rights leader Reverend Al Sharpton urged demonstrators at the One Nation rally in Washington, D.C. Saturday to vote in the upcoming midterm elections.
Civil rights leader Al Sharpton addressed the One Nation rally in Washington, D.C. Saturday.
“We need jobs,” Sharpton said. “We bailed out the banks, we bailed out the insurance companies, now it’s time to bail out the American people.” (0:19)
Civil rights leader Al Sharpton addresses the One Nation rally in Washington, D.C. Saturday.
“This is what America looks like!” Sharpton said. “America is not one color or one gender.” (0:10)
Civil rights leader Rev. Al Sharpton adresses the One Nation rally in Washington, D.C. Saturday. Sharpton says that the U.S. needs to stop scapegoating teachers, adding that there is a difference between holding teachers accountable and busting unions. (0:21)