Obama Unveils $8.3 Billion In Loans To Build Nuclear Power Plant
President Barack Obama announced Tuesday that his administration will be providing $8.3 billion in loan guarantees for the construction of a nuclear power plant in the U.S. (0:11)
White House

Reader Comments (2)
I’ll never forget Sarah Palin’s introduction on the national stage. Truth be told, I was more than a little puzzled as to why the GOP would think her an asset to the ticket. The moment she opened her mouth at her first campaign stop in Dayton, Ohio, I could only think of one thing:
Sally Field as “Gidget”.
When someone like Sarah Palin can make it as far as she has, it can mean only one thing and it’s not a particularly good sign: we are living in a culture that has been custom-tailored for idiots. When a person who can barely put two coherent sentences together without the aid of a teleprompter becomes one of the best-selling non-fiction authors of the decade, that’s usually a pretty good indicator that society is spiraling downward at a fairly decent clip. Fasten your seat belts, kiddies!
I had always believed that Monty Python alumni Michael Palin was the funniest person in the world to bear that name. In fact it should be stated for the record that the two Palins are equally funny. The only difference is that Michael works very hard at it. Sarah’s funniness, on the other hand, is purely accidental. The woman is a scream; the Buster Keaton of unintentional comedy.
And now she’s revving her engines, getting ready to become the forty-fifth president of the United States. Already there are throngs of pundits out there who are saying that she’s dreaming; that she’ll never get the nomination – but stranger things have happened….
On second thought, let me correct myself: nothing that strange has EVER happened. Not in all American political history has anything as remotely weird as that ever happened. I don’t believe it’s even come close to happening. Fascist Barbi becoming the standard bearer for a major political party? Come to think about it, it is probably a bit of a long shot. Oh, but what fun that would be! Can you imagine?
Tom Degan
Goshen, NY
Well, the cap and trade legislation and global warming debate is much more profound than what is being said.I had it wrong when it came to global warming. Before I thought it was too much, but after looking at this article I have come to the understanding that maybe, it is not so bad of an idea, and its really not about whether climate change exists or not.