Passenger Rights Advocate Cautions Against Rush To Use More Full Body Scanners
A member of the organization, Flyers Rights, told Talk Radio News Service on Monday that air travelers should be concerned about a possible increase in full body scanners at airport security lines.
"Millions are now going to be spent on the full body scanning machines that have not been proven...just because of that one incident," said Anjum Malik, referring to an attempted terrorist attack on Christmas Day in which a Nigerian man flying from Amsterdam to Detroit allegedly tried to detonate an explosive device that was hidden in his pants during the plane's descent.
Malik and others with Flyers Rights say that by ordering hundreds of full body scanners, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is wasting taxpayer dollars that would be more wisely spent on detector dogs. Dogs would be able to better "detect explosives without the intrusive privacy issues involved in a full body scanning," according to a release posted on the website.
Click on the audio icon link below to listen to the full conversation between Talk Radio News Service Correspondent Geoff Holtzman and Anjum Malik.
"Millions are now going to be spent on the full body scanning machines that have not been proven...just because of that one incident," said Anjum Malik, referring to an attempted terrorist attack on Christmas Day in which a Nigerian man flying from Amsterdam to Detroit allegedly tried to detonate an explosive device that was hidden in his pants during the plane's descent.
Malik and others with Flyers Rights say that by ordering hundreds of full body scanners, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is wasting taxpayer dollars that would be more wisely spent on detector dogs. Dogs would be able to better "detect explosives without the intrusive privacy issues involved in a full body scanning," according to a release posted on the website.
Click on the audio icon link below to listen to the full conversation between Talk Radio News Service Correspondent Geoff Holtzman and Anjum Malik.
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anjum mali,
geoff holtzman,
underwear bomber in
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Reader Comments (15)
Anjum Malik needs to get real
What's is more important his sensitivity about a security process or protecting the wider travelling public from being blown out of the sky by these nutcases who want to destroy the west ?
The man's an idiot in my opinion !
I believe what Ms. Malik is trying to get at is that is this really worth $130,000 for each of these machines when they might not be enough to secure safety for passengers? They only can scan 1/8 of an inch, which is debatable whether this would have uncovered the Christmas plotter's explosives.
I think we need to look more at what intelligence agencies can improve upon to prevent a terrorist from even arriving at a security checkpoint.
If you read fully what Anjum Malik is saying you will realise she is not against technology or scanners. She, rightfully wants to make sure they will do the job. If terrorists can outsmart them is it worth spending 70 million?
No one has said for sure that even if these machines were in place the underwear bomber would for sure have been detected. Why should we not consider something foolproof?
I have now read all the interviews Anjum Malik has given in the last few days and gone to her sites as well. Considering that she is the Founder and Managing Director of Alhambra US Chamber and also the founding member of Flyers Rights with assess to the views of so many many people we should atleast listen to her. She is all for security and efficiency but at the same time she is very frugal and does not want to see waste. Kelly needs to read all her interviews (there are more than a dozen) that will show how and what she is proposing...a layered approach, screening combined with canines, behavior analysis, all of that. Lets read before we slam someone
The machines Anjum Malik is talking about donot for a hundred percent detect explosives in a body cavity. How do you think drug smugglers have been getting by all these years. Why should we spend so much money on something the terrorists will be able to outsmart. Listen to Malik's entire interview before getting upset. She knows what she is talking about.
Where are you getting this from, Kelly? Malik is advocating us to not have a rush to judgment, not have a knee jerk reaction, try different things, use them in combination. She is stressing the need for a safe and secure flying experience. What she is questioning is how well these machines work and why buy expensive stuff that is not proven. Anything you see wrong with that approach????
Let us all calm down, stop hyperventilating and be proactive rather than reactive. That is what Malik is saying.She is no way no where questioning the security process. Please re read and re listen to what she really said so you can understand it better
The efficacy of these scanners is not proven yet. An obese person can hide whatever they want within their outer fat deposits, because the scanners can only pick up 1/8" under the skin or into a body cavity. In addition, these machines are very costly AND they are using money from the stimulus package! What nonsense!
Everyone is running around like chickens with their heads cut off just because of this one incident. The primary screenings were botched and if this man had transported the explosive in a body cavity, the machines would not have picked it up anyways.
Israel has an effective system of airport security due to their well-trained security. Their record of safety considering their current conflict speaks for itself. Most of their prevented attacks have nothing to do with scanners or other technology. They are simply trained in behavior profiling and questioning passengers.
Malik is suggesting the right thing in that several methods should be deployed and all eggs not be placed in one basket..the Rapiscan basket.
She is right in suggesting sniffing dogs at the plane's entry door
The recommendations of the 911 commission she suggests is such a good idea
Has Kerry heard the whole interview??? I seriously doubt that else he would agree with me that Malik has a great handle ont he situation at hand
I just heard Malik on another interview (Bob Ney). She was very articulate, very clear and stressed repeatedly that safety and security was the prime concern for flyers
She said how she was all for technology but wanted to first ensure that technology worked. A great pt she brought out was testing the Rapiscan machine even now to see if it would work in a situation similar to Abdul Muttaleb. If a successful test had actually been done Malik went on to say that had about them.
The woman knows her stuff, can understand it both ways being Muslim American as well as a frequent traveler.
I liked her objectivity greatly when she talked of behavior profiling.
I also liked her suggestion of implementing smart strategies..behavior profiling,extra screening for the jerks that fit a certain demographic, using dogs, machines.
Smart woman in my opinion contrary to what Kelly thinks.
I will donate to that organisation for sure
I must say this title is misleading as A Malik never slmmed the use of these machjines but questioned how effective they were cautioning that they first be checked out before 70 million is spent on something that aint fool proof
I have heard A Malik on various radio talk shows in the last few days and find her to be very well informed and objective
I would like to know how this org does in future. I also checked their site and have seen Hanni on TV before.
I will now call their hotline if I have an issue with an airline
Its very obvious that you have not heard malik's interview as you are calling her a man. May I please ask you to listen to it in its entirety before you jump to conclusions and start calling names.
I think Malik is right on target, understands the culture and landscape well and brings forthe her points clearly
Malik's group Flyers Rights is doing good work. i have heard about Hanny, the founder. I am so glad that in her interviews Malik gives the name and email for her organisation. Many people forget to do that but in Malik's case she repeats the website so the listener can always call the organsation which I really like.
I am looking for the questionnaire that Malik said would be on their website.
Can someone pl help me find it?
I just heard Malik on another talk show where she gave very good advice on how to make your travel experience go smoother plus how to navigate through the screening process..simple things but very well thought through. The gal knows her stuff.
I also checked out the Flyers Rights site and want all of you to see it as them if you have any trouble with your flights.
I also heard the Founder of the org, Hanni on NPR the other day. These women are very aware of what is going on. They are the consumer advocates we need.My friends have also used their hotline effectively.
The canine dogs A Malik talks about are a good idea. Why dont we look at those? She is right, let us try that first before we put millions on machines that are not proven