International Attorney Warns Of Growing Relationship Between Venezuela, Russia
Talk Radio News Service's Geoff Holtzman speaks with International Attorney Bob Amsterdam. Amsterdam, whose clients include political prisoners in both Venezuela and Russia, says that the U.S. should be concerned about the relationship between these countries and Iran because all three feature governments that are run by what Amsterdam calls "clans."
Amsterdam discusses recent reports showing that Russia has opened a $2.2 billion line of credit with Venezuela so that the South American nation can purchase weapons for its defense program. Amsterdam later cites a recent revelation that Russia has agreed to help Venezuela build a nuclear energy program.
Finally, Amsterdam comments on the Obama administration's decision to cancel plans for a missile defense shield in Eastern Europe and the ramifications this decision will have on the U.S.'s relationship with Russia.
Click the icon below to hear Talk Radio News Service's Geoff Holtzman interview Robert Amsterdam. (4:32)
Amsterdam discusses recent reports showing that Russia has opened a $2.2 billion line of credit with Venezuela so that the South American nation can purchase weapons for its defense program. Amsterdam later cites a recent revelation that Russia has agreed to help Venezuela build a nuclear energy program.
Finally, Amsterdam comments on the Obama administration's decision to cancel plans for a missile defense shield in Eastern Europe and the ramifications this decision will have on the U.S.'s relationship with Russia.
Click the icon below to hear Talk Radio News Service's Geoff Holtzman interview Robert Amsterdam. (4:32)
Hugo Chavez,
bob amsterdam,
geoff holtzman,
vladimir putin in

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