Democrat Sherrod Brown Says Lobbyists Driving Right-Wing Protests At Town Halls
Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) laments anti-healthcare protests at recent town hall meetings. Brown says the protests are a product of lobbyists and special interests who are misinforming members of the public who are on the far right. (:55)
geoff holtzman,
senator sherrod brown in

Reader Comments (10)
King George III probably said the same thing in 1776.
How would he know? He's not scheduling any town hall meetings to find out personally. Well, if he won't come to us, then I'm going to schedule a meeting with him, and I'm going to bring others who would like to share their concerns about this abhorrent bill.
Brown's remarks are an attempt to deny, diminish and dismiss the legitimate concerns that many people have regarding the health care bill. It's a bill that will affect the lives of everyone in this country, but many Democrats expect us to just smile, nod and accept whatever Congress tells us. We shouldn't question them - after all, they're much smarter than we are and always know what's best (just ask them). Brown's website says to look for him around Ohio during August, but I didn't see a schedule.
Sherrod Brown is clearly a coward. He knows that he is lying and he knows what he is doing is wrong. He will not communicate with his constituents. For some reason he is more afraid of Obama than he is afraid of not being re-elected.
Any congressman who refuses contact with his/her constituents show no ethics or integrity and a total lack of courage when there is controversy. Vote him out. He does not deserve our support.
Brown is against anything that's for the American People.
Actually Mr. Brown has shown what he truly is - NOT for the people he represents. Today he is having a 'Town Hall' meeting - but he was not confident enough to post it on his site so that any of us that live outside of Columbus could attend. This is a man that clearly should be voted OUT of office and never allowed back into a political post. He is a man for HIMSELF and his party - not the people of Ohio.
Mr. Brown sent out an last minute email to only his loyal supporters inviting them to a town hall meeting at OSU for this morning. The rest of us were not invited. His invitation included the direction for them to be a louder voice than the opposition. He stacked the deck. No integrity.
The only vote Sharrod Brown will get from me next time around is NO! He has been a disgraceful representation for his constituents. It's time to go home Mr. Brown - enjoy it while it lasts! I couldn't have gone to the meeting even if I had know about it but never the less he made sure he had no opposing views. COWARD!
Heard about the "secret meeting" @ nine, busted butt to get there and was accosted by a minion who attempted to bait me into an argument, accused me of being racist... when I wouldn't bite her bait she left yelling how stupid I was....multiple printed pro health care signs. Several hand written signs in opposition.
Hummmm makes one wonder.