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Sen. Rockefeller Decries Protests At Town Hall Meetings

In response to recent protests against health care reform at town hall meetings, Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) said the protests are distruptive, but not productive. “The story becomes the disruption, not the message,” he said. “We’re utterly, desperately serious about [health care reform], and we’re trying to interpret it to the people we represent in our states who desperately need it, and we’re precluded from doing so by these types of tactics.” (0:38)

Reader Comments (2)

Hey Jay, try listening to the content of the protests! I DO NOT WANT WHAT YOU ARE FORCING ME TO ACCEPT! If this is a democracy, why can't we opt out of the current plan?????

August 8, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterrj

Let me echo the same sentiments. Why in the name of common sense will congress force us into something they are not even willing to be a participant themselves. Give us no health care program that you will not be willing to join too.
Moody Roberts

August 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMoody Roberts

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